Inspiration from the wild Inspiration from the wild

Inspiration from the wild

Introducing RW Weekend Edit, space where on a weekly basis the Really Wild Team and our

friends of the brand will be sharing with you their love for the wild,

their inspirations and some tips


Being a northern girl who now resides in London i’m often longing for the countryside. Its a difficult balance finding time between your career and love of the busy city life, while still wanting to nurture the more natural, liberating and somewhat earthy joys of hearing the 5am bird songs outside your window that you can only really get outside of the metropolis. Or rather, the bird song may be applicable in the city, but it’s usually accompanied by sirens in south London. 

As such, over the last few years ive started promising myself a series of solo-travels. These are usually 3 or 4 day excursions which I plot out amongst annual leave in early January, where I set off in my little car on an unaccompanied adventure. Leaving the husband at home to look after the house rabbits, and taking only my camera and a car full of props. The trips had originally been planned as an outlet for my photography, but on the first trip I fast realised they were actually an outlet for my soul. 

A few days where you’re completely beholden only to yourself, where you can take on challenges that you would normally be fearful of doing in front of friends or colleagues, and an opportunity to check in with the person you’ve become over the last few months. I find this is only really possible in a place of true calm such as the Scottish Highlands, the Isle of Skye, the Lake District… Somewhere where you could easily get lost and remain unfound for hours on end. It’s here that I love to walk, and remind myself to smile – its in these moments I breath deeper than I do most of the year round. 

Something so simple as taking yourself for a walk can never be over appreciated in my mind. Stepping out of the car and locking the door without another brain to sense check the map, without another person to carry the bags or another phone to backup with battery. I take awe in removing these supports, only for them to be re-provided by nature as I step onto that bridle path or hiking route. Take 3 wrong turns and suddenly the wind direction or the setting sun is your support partner, guiding you back on your way. It’s hugely life affirming. 

I learnt this from my husband a few years ago when we started cycling from our home in London to the start of the Tour de France each year, unaccompanied by phones or devices. Its hugely liberating and something I knew I wanted to try and reimagine as a solo trip (albeit slightly safer hiking than cycling along cross country)

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I often get asked why I call myself “One Slow Sunday” and its really because of this need to find balance in my city life vs my country soul. I appreciate simple pleasures such as seeing the kitchen light on when you’re walking home in the rain, or hearing the rough spread of a butter knife over toast early in the morning. Ive always loved the icy cold feel of bare feet on tiled floors and the whistle of my old kettle on the stove before making a hot water bottle. And if im honest ive never understood why these moments should be held captive within Sunday mornings. 

Why shouldn’t we celebrate the small joy of dipping our toes in a boiling hot bath on your average Tuesday before Spin class at 6am? 

So One Slow Sunday is my daily reminder to capture a slow Sunday no matter the day of the week or the length of the schedule. Its my daily reminder to take a second to remember those slow Sunday walks on the Isle of Skye, or sipping hot chocolate around a fire at The Pig in Combe surrounded by muddy wellies. 

Creating content for my channel reminds me everyday that you can always fit in what you choose to prioritise. And for a long while, ive realised that priority number 1 should always be these slow snippets that become life long reminders and memories of warmth. 

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Everyday starts with coffee, whether that’s a tall decaf now that im pregnant, or a silky latte with full fat milk again in a couple of months time. I love beginning my day by wrapping cold hands around a warm mug. As you can tell im a winter child through and through – give me a cold downpour over summer heat any day!

My husband and I also have a habit of Sunday kitchen dancing. I’d love to say this is soundtracked with romantic ballads or Bon Iver whispering lyrically in my ear – but more times that not its a 60’s swing classics or even Jungle music should Hugh get his way. We’re always up at 5am or 6am and its not uncommon to see us boogying through the windows. In fact we had to put a ban on this a few weeks back as morning dancing quickly escalated with arms in the air and, well lets just say one of our gorgeous Pooky Pendants was abruptly smashed over both of our heads. No more arms above head dancing for the foreseeable. 

No Sunday mood would be complete without a Sunday roast. Hughs Irish and I’m a vegetarian to naturally the Yorkshire puddings and the crispy roast potatoes are hotly contested in this house. You’ll often find me moseying around the little shops in Crystal Palace Sunday afternoon while I wait for dinner, or hiding in the corner of my favourite coffee shop with a book in hand. My One Slow Sunday account actually started as a book channel some 5 or 6 years ago, and although I don’t focus my content on books anymore, im rarely seen without one on my person. Another great tip for grabbing a Sunday feeling when you only have 15 minutes – find a favourite book that you once read on an out of town excursion and re-read and re-read until the pages are bowed and the corners dog eared. 

And then to round off a perfect cosy Sunday I love tucking in under the blankets with my house bunnies at my side, husband on hand, in front of a cosy movie. Ideally this is usually soundtracked with rain pattering against the windows and grey clouds coating the skyline. But where needs must I have a robust dark green velvet pair of living room curtains that blot out even the brightest of summer suns. Indeed when we renovated recently we painted the whole living room a deep emerald green colour to pair with soft candle light and orb-like dim wall lighting – all designed to capture that perfect cosy evening environment, even when the natural world has other ideas. 

It sounds idyllic, but the whole point of One Slow Sunday is to find that slow Sunday moment within every spare 5 or 10 minute slot. Even when im working 50 or 60 hours a week between my two jobs, you can always bet I find 30 minutes to prioritise one of these elements that can take me right back to the Old Man of Storr hillside. Or the little Combe village fireplace. 

Lambswool Cable Roll Neck in Sienna

Turn Up Trousers in Khaki Clementine
Outback Hat in Brown